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E21: Coaching or Consulting with MPower2Lead’s Dr. Mike Palanski

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This episode, I’m joined by Dr. Mike Palanski from MPower2Lead to discuss why he prefers a coaching work structure to a traditional consulting framework, ways we can reduce time spent on business development and marketing, and the value of having your own coach.

Dr. Mike Palanski is a Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology and is also the Founder and CEO of MPower2Lead. Dr. Palanski is a practicing leadership coach and has been teaching leadership, as well as doing original, peer-reviewed scientific research about leadership, and coaching executives for over 15 years. Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of The Consulting Trap: 

  • Why Mike started the Me First Academy.
  • Different reasons people want to change their work life.
  • Why a coaching work structure requires less marketing than a traditional consulting framework.
  • How to reduce the amount of time spent on business development and marketing.
  • The value of having your own coach.
  • The benefits of writing your own book.


Connecting with Dr. Mike Palanski:

Connecting with the host:


  • 18:02 – “A good coach, it’s not the knowledge that person has, although sometimes it is. But it’s that ability to listen intently and hear things that you’re saying that you don’t even hear yourself and reflect that back.”
  • 22:57 – “Sometimes it’s easy to focus on ten steps down, instead of the step that’s right in front, and doing a lot of things that aren’t necessary right now at this particular stage.”