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E163: Spice Up Your Podcast Fun Hacks & No-Gos!

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In this lively session, we explore creative tactics to infuse fun back into your podcasting routine without overcomplicating it. Discover quirky segment ideas, the magic of playful questions, and what pitfalls to avoid to keep your passion for podcasting burning bright.

Key Points
• Inject fun with new segments
• Try silly, rapport-building Q&A
• Beware of unsustainable gimmicks
• Avoid high-cost, low-return ideas
• Keep podcast playfulness sustainable

Best Quotes
00:00 – 00:08 • “So if you started a podcast and you’re not having fun, there’s some things you can do to make it more fun.”
00:09 – 00:21 • “And these are tactics that you’re gonna use in the show composition or in the delivery that will change and improve the fun level.”
00:46 – 00:57 • “Your listeners know it, you know it, your guests know it. So this is a great time to add and innovate little things to see if you can’t reignite the spark.”
01:41 – 01:50 • “Those get to be like fun and goofy questions that no one takes seriously, which starts a, a, a good kind of back and forth and you build rapport in a mirthful way.”
02:24 – 02:28 • “So don’t put your, don’t put yourself into a corner and to a podcast that you can’t repeat.”
