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Reading Time: 3 minutes

E171: Crafting Success in Digital Advertising with Jeff Swartz

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dive into the high-stakes world of digital marketing with Jeff Swartz, CEO & Founder of Ethic Advertising Agency. Discover the synergy between creative content and strategic placement, the innovation behind geofencing tech, and what it takes to market in today’s segmented spaces. Plus, get insider tips on funnel fixes and creative pitfalls. This episode is a goldmine for marketers aiming for the bullseye in advertising.

Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Hard to Market Podcast.
  • The art of hyper-targeted ads
  • Innovation of geofencing
  • Selectiveness in client acquisition
  • Crafting impactful creative content
  • Balancing budget and ad performance
Connect with Jeff Swartz:
Connect with our host, Brian Mattocks:
  • 5:10 – Yeah, I mean, you know, the big thing that I focus on is doing things like this podcast, thought leadership, you know, creating organic content that’s out there. We also run ads for ourselves as well too. You know, longevity helps any ad agency as well too. Every year that we’re in existence it gets a little bit easier and references start to come in and stuff, but it’s using a multi-prong approach and making sure that we’re consistent with our messaging and the kind of services that we offer. So although we cover the gambit of a lot of different things that are all, all kind of centered on paid advertising like we don’t do press releases, we don’t do public relations, you know, we really kind of stick in our lane in our marketing and advertising world and just kind of stay honest and true to that.
  • 11:13 – You know, we work with a lot of service-based companies, and one of the things that I see happen every so often is that the phone isn’t answered or it’s not answered in a professional manner, let’s say, you know, stuff like that, you know, we can get them all, you know, you can get the horse to water, you can’t make them drink and everything. So it’s actually getting them that last 10 feet to the edge of the water and then hoping that they’re gonna take that sip because they’re thirsty and they want to buy that product or service. So that’s a lot of things that we kind of see is it’s that that last, you know, 10 feet of having something that can be a small tweak and often isn’t very expensive as well
  • 12:40 – Different mediums have different creative that resonates differently with different audiences, right? So there’s a little bit of like target, like targeting the creative to what you’re doing and what your target audience is. You know, a lot of times, you know, with the creative, the pitfalls might be that there’s information dumping, there’s too much information on there and it’s information that the business, the advertiser knows is important. But there’s a difference between educating through advertising and then just giving them enough information to get them to take that next step to get that hook in there.
  • 22:11 – I mean as much as I wish it was a faucet or a light switch, which just on, on, on, on off, on off and everything, it just isn’t that, that situation and everything we’re consistent basis is kind of key. But also ensuring that entering new mediums and changing creative can often be some of the things where you do see some jumps in results as well too. So making sure that things are staying fresh, that you are testing new things and trying new things as well too. And always trying to figure out, well how do we do a little bit better? Because, you know, one of the worst things you can do is say, well if it’s not broke, don’t fix it kind of thing because eventually it’ll just become a little bit stale and it needs a revival of some kind.
  • 21:09 – One of the reasons is because people sometimes think that advertising is like a light switch. You just flip it on and it’s going full blast and then everything. And if you’re like, oh, we need a, you know, we’re too busy, let’s flip it off and everything. And it doesn’t just shut off as, as well too, it’s really like a train, you apply power to it, it starts moving, going forward, but it takes a little bit longer and then it, once it gets faster and faster and faster and eventually gets up to speed and everything, then you can actually stop applying power and you’ll start coasting and then you can apply power again. It becomes a little bit easier and if you cut the power completely, it’s going to eventually slow down but not be instantaneous as well too.