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Reading Time: 3 minutes

E104: From Touring Band to Marketing Agency: The Unconventional Journey of Kyber

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this episode, Jay Miller from Kyber discusses the unique origin story of their marketing agency, which started as a means to support their band while on tour. They delve into how Kyber has evolved into a successful business and the impact it has on their work culture and client interactions. Jay shares his agency’s approach of leveraging his extensive network, focusing on sales, embracing remote work opportunities, and working with tech companies. Additionally, he reveals three valuable lessons he has learned along his journey. Kyber Marketing Agency’s journey showcases its differentiation and long-term success.

Meet Jay Miller, the Chief Executive Officer of Kyber Digital LLC, a pioneering growth marketing consulting firm specializing in momentum-based marketing strategies. With a decade of experience, Jay has mastered the art of combining long and short-term marketing approaches to drive accelerated new revenue growth for businesses. His unique Kyber Protocols framework, focusing on five growth pillars, has consistently doubled the gross annual revenue of clients enrolled in their 12-month programs. Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Hard to Market:

  • Focus on community, growth, and providing tools to make employees’ lives easier.
  • Prove results and show prior success to build trust with prospects.
  • Position yourself as a consultancy to expand your services beyond traditional marketing.
  • Be confident and direct in your approach, offering your expertise and refusing to compromise on your strategies.
  • Create a unique mechanism and sales process that sets you apart from competitors.
  • The agency primarily works with tech companies, focusing on MarTech, software, SaaS, and FinTech.
  • Jay’s strategy involves creating a detailed assessment of a company’s marketing and sales gaps before proposing full services.


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  • 18:53 – “The easiest way is proving results and being able to show your prior results. That’s just a given, you know? Right. Client reviews and testimonials can be faked, but if you can pull up data, it says like, here’s something we did for this client, here’s the results that they had. That’s hard to argue, right? Yeah. Yeah. Especially if it’s in a difficult market. So the first thing is results. The second thing we did was we actually on the sales end, stopped using trigger words for these people. So we stopped using the word ads. We stopped using the word ss e o, we stopped using the word agency. We stopped using the word marketing, right? And we’ve only focused on bottom line revenue growth and business development.”
  • 21:19 – “So, so beyond just those couple things of, we, we positioned ourselves not as an agency, but as a consultancy, we’re extremely confident and extremely direct on calls where I say, we’re doing it our way or we’re not doing it at all because I know it’s gonna work. That level of confidence really portrays something that agencies don’t, because agencies tend to like, oh, you need a proposal, here you go, here’s our proposal with our stuff. They don’t even ask questions, right? So it’s like, that’s, that’s why you, you’re a vendor because you didn’t even ask why that budget? Why do you need this? Why? So they’re not diving deep enough into discovery on sales.”
  • 09:19 – “So I think for, for me, it’s, it’s always been let me focus on the prospect’s problems and what they need and why they’re even talking to me. ’cause at the end of the day, they don’t care about me. They don’t care about what we do, they don’t care about my team. They don’t give a shit. Like, the only thing they care about is, is making sure that we can solve their problems and getting them ahead. ’cause the reality is they only care about themselves. That’s not to say that they’re selfish, that’s just the way people are programmed. So especially the business owners or the people who are responsible for revenue growth at a business.”
  • 08:10 – “I mean, when you start talking about this stuff, it’s obvious that the performance culture that you have also leads to particularly, you know, given that that that art side of that conversation, you have to be able to, you know, trust these folks in a performance setting. And the only way you’re gonna get there is if you build that rapport, which I think is, it’s a spot on approach to driving engagement and stuff like that.”
  • 27:31 – Brian: “They don’t have to be agile, that’s the problem, right? Like when you have to sing for your supper every day, you eliminate all the BS. And when you’re a large corporate, you just got so much momentum that, you know, like, like”
    Jay: “Literally it’s like after 30 people in a company, it just starts to become like blow like a disaster on the back end. And they stop tracking things that like they’re, you know, everything becomes a mess. And all the way through every department, everything, it’s it all, and I’m not saying it’s all bad, but it’s like it all just ends up being, you know.”
    Brian M: “Absolutely.”