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Reading Time: 3 minutes

E182: Transatlantic Shift: Scaling a Tech Biz in the US Market

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Join host Brian Mattocks in an exhilarating deep dive with Jordi Negre on Dantex Group’s ambitious transition from Europe to the US. Jordi unpacks the strategic gamble of relocating headquarters, embracing a SaaS model, and gearing up for an aggressive expansion. Expect insider insights on scaling a business amidst cultural shifts, fundraising, and the art of finding the right talent.

Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Hard to Market Podcast.
  • Dantex Group’s brave HQ relocation.
  • Navigating a fragmented European market.
  • Switching to a lucrative SaaS model.
  • Strategy for acquiring US clients.
  • Attracting talent for growth in the US.
Connect with Jordi Negre:
Connect with our host, Brian Mattocks:
  • 00:49 – Europe seems like a very consolidated marketplace but in fact it’s very fragmented different languages different regions different even currencies because with the Brexit you have the pound and then you have the Euro so the path to growth, it’s pretty difficult. It seems like a homogeneous market but it’s not that homogeneous and with our limited resources and dedication we decided that the US market was much bigger and the culture of adoption of our products services the platform that we have it’s much more understood and the venture capital ecosystem makes it also like the best place to grow to scale and eventually make an exit plan. So a part of that decision to move was the decision to raise as well right?
  • 16:52 – Second is adapting which is not exactly pivoting but it’s like pivoting geographically to adapt that pitch or let’s say cultural evangelization about what you do to another culture. And third, it’s that although all the signs confirm that we have done the right decision in wearing the right track the conclusion is that this is going to be tougher but bigger at the end.
  • 16:52 – Well in the B2B segment in which we are we could confirm that if you have done business in Germany you could do business in the US. I mean the requirements of those corporations are more or less similar but then the second conclusion would be that the go-to market it’s very different like we discussed and nobody teaches you how to do it because the world has very different let’s say geographical areas and every geographical area behaves very differently so one it’s confirming that the product makes sense.
  • 1:37 – Brian: So tell me a little bit more about that what are you thinking there? 
    Jordi: Yeah I mean I’m a firm believer that we do have to be successful with organic growth but if you want to put your company in a different level at some point you’re going to need external funding, although we’re not in the best years of fundraising and I’ve been reviewing and reading some articles recently that do not create a cool expectation for 2024, this might change in the future and we will you know be in a different situation. And once we need let’s say big money to make a like a potential growth and and and and and and and aggressive expansion.
  • 06:34 – Yeah, it was, we could say a risky decision to move our headquarters to the US and changing models because we had to disconnect from one geographic and region and connect one other. That’s not something that happens from one day to the other so you have to be aware that you’re gonna cross the desert for a few months. Luckily we had some cash from our own operations that allowed us to transit that desert and right now we’re in the middle of let’s say getting traction in the US through industry leaders.