Dive into the podcasting playbook with tips on conducting effective screening calls to find ideal guests and referral partners. Learn the secrets to teasing out your prospects’ skills, ensuring a captivating episode, and turning initial conversations into powerful networking opportunities – all in 30 minutes or less!
Key Points
• Prep for the perfect guest
• 15-30 min screening strategy
• Discover guest potential
• Identify engaging content
• Screening call as networking
Best Quotes
00:00 – 00:07 • “Podcasts are an awesome way to get in front of your prospects as well as your ideal referral partners.”
00:59 – 01:06 • “That gives you plenty of time to go into kind of what the show’s gonna be about, what the typical audience for your podcast is.”
01:46 – 01:55 • “It should be a good discovery opportunity for you to probe the potential guest or prospect with what kind of information they have access to.”
02:23 – 02:31 • “Let’s see if we can figure out ways to roll you into content. Maybe you can, you know, co-author a blog or something like that.”