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How to Run a Great Intro Call for Your B2B Podcast in 2023

Reading Time: 15 minutes

Are you ready to launch a B2B podcast that captivates your target audience and skyrockets your influence in the industry? The key to success lies in starting strong right from the get-go, and that means mastering the art of how to run a great intro call for your B2B podcast with your guests. In this blog post, we’ll unveil a comprehensive 7-step checklist that will guide you through planning and executing a fantastic intro call, setting the stage for a podcast that leaves your listeners eagerly awaiting each new episode.

Follow along as we dive into the essentials of planning your intro call, building rapport with your guests, discussing podcast format and expectations, establishing content and topics, scheduling the recording session, and asking for referrals. Are you ready to make your B2B podcast a game-changer in your industry? Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Plan and research to create captivating content for your B2B podcast.
  • Build strong relationships with guests by actively listening, asking open questions and sharing relevant information.
  • Set expectations on preparation, time commitment & technical requirements. Schedule recording sessions & ask referrals to grow your podcast!

Planning Your Intro Call

A successful B2B podcast is built on meticulous planning. Prior to pressing record, having a clear understanding of your targeted audience, podcast structure, and desired guests is imperative. This will not only help you create content that resonates with your listeners but also ensure you stand out among other industry podcasts.


Begin by defining your intro call goals, which might include developing a relationship with your guest, talking about the podcast’s structure, and deciding on content themes. Research potential guests by investigating their background, expertise, and interests to ensure they’re a good fit for your podcast. Finally, create an agenda for the intro call that includes the topics you want to cover, ensuring the conversation stays focused and productive.

Keep in mind that captivating content is the cornerstone of a successful podcast. By investing time and energy into prep work and maintaining a consistent publishing schedule, you’ll position your podcast to thrive in the competitive world of content marketing.

Setting Objectives

Prior to initiating the intro call, having a clear grasp of your objectives is vital. Setting objectives will help guide the conversation, ensuring that both you and your guest are on the same page. It’s essential to discuss episode structure, time commitment, and technical requirements to make sure you’re both aligned on the podcast format and expectations.


One crucial aspect of setting objectives is determining the content you want to create. In the world of B2B podcasting, content-based networking is a powerful marketing tool. By collaborating with your guests to produce engaging content, you can build strong relationships with your ideal clients and expand your influence in the industry.

When setting objectives for your intro call, also remember to factor in guest outreach. Identifying and connecting with potential guests who possess valuable expertise and knowledge will help you create content that resonates with your target audience, setting your podcast apart from the competition.

Researching Potential Guests

Unearthing the ideal guest for your B2B podcast necessitates comprehensive research into their background, skillset, and interests. This information will not only help you determine if they’re a good fit for your podcast but also provide valuable insights for crafting engaging conversations during the intro call.

Potential guests

Examining other B2B podcasts within your niche is one strategy to discover potential guests. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Listen to their episodes and take note of the guests they feature, as well as the topics they discuss.
  2. This will give you a better understanding of what your target audience is looking for.
  3. Create content that meets their preferences and expectations.

Additionally, don’t underestimate the power of your own network. Reach out to colleagues, industry peers, and even previous podcast guests for recommendations. They may have valuable connections or insights that can lead you to the perfect guest for your next episode.

Creating an Agenda

Armed with clear objectives and a solid understanding of your guests, you can now formulate an agenda for your intro call. A well-structured plan will keep the conversation focused and productive, ensuring you cover all essential topics and establish a strong foundation for your podcast episode.


Begin by discussing the guest’s expertise, as this will provide valuable insights into the content and topics of the episode. Next, move on to the podcast format, particularly focusing on interview style podcasts, which will help you both align on the structure, time commitment, and technical requirements of the podcast. Don’t forget to mention the importance of having an engaging podcast page to attract more listeners.

Finally, delve into the content and topics of the episode, brainstorming potential subject matter and talking points. This collaborative approach will not only help you create engaging content but also foster a positive relationship with your guest, setting the stage for a successful podcast episode.

Building Rapport with Your Guest

Crafting a successful podcast episode relies not only on a meticulously planned intro call but also on establishing a robust connection with your guest. By fostering a positive relationship with your guest through active listening, asking open-ended questions, and sharing relevant information, you’ll create a more engaging and dynamic conversation that captivates your audience.

A critical component of rapport building is fostering trust and credibility with your guest. This can be achieved by:

  • Conducting thorough research on their background, expertise, and interests
  • Genuinely engaging with them during the intro call
  • Demonstrating that you value their time and insights

By following these steps, you’ll create a positive atmosphere that encourages open, honest dialogue.

Remember, the key to a successful B2B podcast is creating engaging content that resonates with your audience. Building rapport with your guest not only makes for a more enjoyable recording experience but also helps you craft content that connects with your listeners on a deeper level.

Active Listening

Active listening is one of the pivotal elements in establishing rapport with your guest. By attentively listening to your guest’s thoughts and opinions without interrupting, you demonstrate genuine interest in what they have to say. This, in turn, encourages them to open up and share more, making the conversation more engaging and meaningful.

Active listening

Active listening involves:

  • Hearing the words your guest is saying
  • Understanding the underlying message and emotions
  • Asking clarifying questions
  • Paraphrasing what the guest has said
  • Providing verbal and non-verbal cues that show you’re listening

By practicing active listening, you’ll create a supportive environment that fosters open communication.

Ultimately, active listening can be the difference between a good podcast episode and a great one. By fostering a genuine connection with your guest and delving deeper into their thoughts and opinions, you’ll create a more engaging and dynamic conversation that keeps your audience hooked on Apple Podcasts.

Asking Open-Ended Questions

Inquiring open-ended questions is another key technique in building rapport with your guest. These questions, which require more than a simple yes or no answer, encourage deeper conversation and exploration of topics. By asking open-ended questions, you’ll uncover valuable insights and create a more engaging conversation for your listeners.

Crafting effective open-ended questions involves focusing on the guest’s expertise and experiences. Start by asking about their background, what they enjoy or dislike, and any personal anecdotes they’d like to share. By encouraging your guest to open up about their experiences, you’ll create a more personal connection that resonates with your audience.

In addition to fostering rapport, open-ended questions can also help you:

  • Uncover your guest’s unique perspective on the subject matter
  • Probing deeper into their thoughts and opinions
  • Create a more dynamic conversation that keeps your listeners engaged and eager for more.

Sharing Relevant Information

Imparting pertinent information to your guest is vital in setting context and expectations for their involvement in your podcast. By providing them with details about your podcast’s format, target audience, and goals, you’ll help them better understand the role they play in creating engaging content for your listeners.

Sharing information

Relevant information can include statistics, facts, figures, and other data related to the topic or subject. It could also consist of personal stories, anecdotes, and experiences that are pertinent to the conversation. Sharing this information with your guest ensures that they’re well-prepared and able to contribute meaningfully to the discussion.

Ultimately, sharing relevant information with your guest not only sets the stage for a successful podcast episode but also helps you build trust and credibility. By demonstrating your commitment to providing accurate and insightful content, you’ll foster a stronger connection with your guest and create a more engaging conversation for your audience.

Discussing Podcast Format and Expectations

After establishing a connection with your guest, it becomes important to converse about the podcast’s structure and expectations. Clearly communicating the structure, time commitment, and technical requirements of your podcast ensures that both you and your guest are aligned and prepared for a successful recording session.


This discussion should encompass elements like:

  • Your podcast’s usual layout, including segments, interview technique, and duration
  • Time commitments required for preparation or follow-up
  • Equipment or software requirements for the recording session

By having a clear understanding of these expectations, your guest will be better equipped to contribute effectively to the solo podcast.

Keep in mind that your podcast’s triumph hinges on generating captivating content that connects with your audience. By discussing the format and expectations with your guest, you’ll ensure that they’re well-prepared and able to deliver the insightful and captivating content your listeners crave.

Episode Structure

To aid your guest in grasping the layout of your podcast episodes, supply them with a precise blueprint of the usual structure. This can include an exciting introduction, an engaging main segment, and a satisfying conclusion. By explaining the episode structure, your guest will have a better understanding of what to expect during the recording session and how their contribution fits into the overall podcast.

Your podcast intro script also plays a significant role in setting the tone for the episode. A captivating introduction helps capture the attention of your listeners and sets the stage for the engaging content to follow. Sharing this information with your guest will help them understand the podcast style and tailor their responses accordingly.

Remember, every element of your podcast’s structure contributes to the overall listener experience. By clearly communicating this information to your guest, you’ll ensure that the episode flows smoothly and maintains the attention of your audience throughout.

Time Commitment

Relaying the anticipated length of the recording session to your guest is essential for a fruitful podcast episode. In addition to the actual recording time, it’s important to discuss any additional time needed for preparation, pre-interview discussions, and follow-up. Providing this information upfront helps your guest plan accordingly and ensures they’re well-prepared for the recording session.

Time Commitment

When it comes to the actual recording time, it’s generally best to schedule around 45 minutes for a 30-minute episode or an hour for a 60-minute episode. This allows for some buffer time at the beginning or end of the call to address any technical issues or last-minute questions. By discussing these time commitments with your guest, you’ll set clear expectations and help them feel more comfortable during the recording session.

Maintaining a consistent publishing schedule is also essential for building a loyal podcast audience. By discussing the time commitment required for each episode, you’ll ensure that both you and your guest are on the same page and able to deliver engaging content on a regular basis.

Technical Requirements

Before embarking on the recording session, it’s important to talk about any equipment or software needs with your guest. This can include the type of microphone they’ll need, the audio interface, and the recording software or platform they should use. By providing this information, you’ll ensure that your guest is well-prepared and able to deliver high-quality audio for your podcast.

In addition to the equipment requirements, it’s also important to discuss the internet connection necessary for a successful B2B podcast recording. A reliable internet connection ensures that the recording session goes smoothly, and both you and your guest can focus on creating engaging content for your listeners.

Finally, to ensure your podcast reaches its full potential, discuss the hosting platform and podcast directories that you’ll use to distribute your content on your podcast website. With the right technical setup and distribution strategy, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful B2B podcast that captivates your target audience.

Establishing Content and Topics

Having established a connection with your guest and discussed the podcast’s format and expectations, it’s now time to jointly work on the episode’s content and topics. This involves identifying the guest’s areas of expertise, brainstorming episode topics, and setting expectations for content preparation. By working together, you’ll ensure that the episode is engaging and relevant to your audience.

The expertise of your guest is a valuable asset that can influence the content of your podcast episode. By understanding their background, skills, and knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to create content that resonates with your listeners and showcases the unique insights your guest has to offer.

Content and topics

Generating potential episode topics is essential to create a riveting podcast that keeps your listeners hooked and wanting more. By exploring various subject matters and talking points related to your guest’s expertise, you’ll create a dynamic conversation that adds depth and variety to your podcast, ensuring they eagerly await new episodes.

Identifying Guest Expertise

To make certain your podcast episode is compelling and pertinent, it’s crucial to identify the unique knowledge and abilities your guest can bring to the table. By discussing their background, qualifications, and experiences, you’ll gain valuable insight into their areas of expertise and how they can enrich your podcast’s content.

When identifying your guest’s expertise, consider the various aspects of their background that may be relevant to your podcast’s theme. This can include their:

  • Professional experience
  • Education
  • Certifications
  • Awards

By having a clear understanding of their qualifications, you’ll be better equipped to create content that resonates with your target audience and showcases the unique insights your guest has to offer.

Finally, don’t hesitate to ask your guest for samples of their work or endorsements from other specialists in their area. This not only demonstrates your commitment to creating high-quality content but also helps to build trust and credibility with your guest, fostering a stronger connection and a more engaging conversation.

Brainstorming Episode Topics

Upon identifying your guest’s expertise, team up with them to create a list of prospective topics for the episode. Keep in mind that these topics should align with both your guest’s expertise and your podcast’s theme. By brainstorming together, you’ll create a more dynamic and engaging conversation that keeps your audience hooked.


As you explore potential topics, consider the various aspects of your guest’s expertise and how they relate to your podcast’s theme. Look for opportunities to delve deeper into their knowledge, uncovering unique perspectives and insights that will captivate your listeners and set your podcast apart from the competition.

Remember, the key to a successful B2B podcast is creating engaging content that resonates with your audience. By brainstorming potential episode topics with your guest, you’ll ensure that the conversation stays fresh and interesting, keeping your listeners engaged and eager for more.

Setting Expectations for Content Preparation

Having a solid understanding of your guest’s expertise and a list of potential episode topics, the stage is set for outlining expectations for content preparation. This involves discussing any necessary research, materials, or talking points your guest should prepare before the recording session. By setting these expectations, you’ll ensure that your guest is well-prepared and able to contribute effectively to the podcast.

It’s important to provide your guest with clear guidelines on the type of written content they should prepare, as well as any specific resources or materials they may need to reference during the recording session. This can include articles, studies, or data that supports their insights and adds credibility to the conversation.

Finally, don’t forget to discuss the timeline for content preparation. By providing your guests with ample time to gather their materials and organize their thoughts, you’ll ensure that they’re well-prepared and able to deliver the engaging and insightful content your listeners crave.

Scheduling the Recording Session

With the content and topics in place, the next step is to arrange the recording session. This involves:

  • Coordinating a suitable time for both you and your guest
  • Confirming the details of the session
  • Sending calendar invites and reminders to ensure everyone is on the same page

By carefully scheduling the recording session, you’ll set the stage for a successful podcast episode that captivates your audience.

Scheduling 1

While locating a mutually convenient time for both you and your guest may pose a challenge, it’s a necessary step for a successful recording session. Start by asking your guest about their availability and work around their schedule to find a time that works for both parties. Keep in mind that it’s important to plan ahead, allowing for any last-minute changes or unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

Finally, having decided on a fitting time for the recording session, dispatch calendar invites to your guest to formally set the event. This not only helps ensure that everyone is on the same page but also serves as a reminder for the upcoming session. By staying organized and communicating clearly with your guest, you’ll create a positive and productive recording experience for all involved.

Finding a Suitable Time

Determining a mutually agreeable time for both you and your guest to record the episode is a key step towards a successful podcast. By discussing each other’s availability and taking into account any time zone differences or potential conflicts, you’ll be able to find a time that works best for both parties.

Finding time

When researching potential recording times, keep in mind that it’s essential to plan ahead. This not only allows you to accommodate any last-minute changes or unforeseen circumstances but also ensures that you have enough time to prepare for the recording session, including finalizing the content and topics, setting up the recording equipment, and conducting any necessary research.

By finding a suitable time for the recording session and communicating it clearly to your guest, you’ll set the stage for a smooth and productive experience that results in engaging content for your listeners.

Confirming Details

Upon settling on a fitting time for the recording session, it’s vital to validate the details of the session with your guest. This includes the date, time, and location (or platform) of the recording, as well as any equipment or software requirements. Ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of these details will help avoid any confusion or miscommunication, leading to a more successful podcast episode.

In addition to the basic details of the recording session, it’s also important to confirm the topics that will be discussed during the episode. This ensures that both you and your guest are on the same page and prepared to engage in a meaningful conversation that captivates your audience.

By confirming the details of the recording session and communicating them clearly to your guest, you’ll create an organized and efficient recording experience that results in high-quality content for your podcast.

Sending Calendar Invites and Reminders

Upon confirming the details of the recording session, it’s important to dispatch calendar invites and reminders to your guest to keep them informed about the forthcoming session. Calendar invites not only help keep everyone organized but also serve as a reminder for the scheduled recording, increasing the likelihood of a successful podcast episode.


You can send calendar invites through email or a calendar app, depending on the preferences of both you and your guest. Be sure to include all relevant details, such as:

  • The date
  • The time
  • The location (or platform)
  • Any necessary equipment or software requirements

This will help your guest prepare for the recording session and ensure they’re well-equipped with editing software to contribute effectively to the podcast.

In addition to sending calendar invites, it’s also a good idea to send reminders leading up to the recording session. This can be done through email or an automated calendar reminder and serves as a helpful prompt for your guest to review the episode topics, gather any necessary materials, and mentally prepare for the recording.

Asking for Referrals

Once you’ve adeptly managed the intro call and arranged the recording session, it’s an ideal time to request referrals from your guest. Requesting that your guest recommend other potential guests for your podcast not only expands your network but also increases the diversity of your show’s content, keeping your listeners engaged and coming back for more.

By fostering strong relationships with your guests and consistently delivering engaging content, your podcast will continue to grow and attract a loyal audience. Asking for referrals is a valuable strategy for maintaining this momentum and ensuring that your B2B podcast remains a valuable resource for your listeners and a game-changer in your industry.


In conclusion, running a successful B2B podcast intro call involves meticulous planning, building rapport with your guest, discussing the podcast format and expectations, establishing content and topics, scheduling the recording session, and asking for referrals. By following this 7-step checklist, you’ll be well on your way to launching a podcast that captivates your target audience and elevates your influence in the industry.

As you embark on your B2B podcast journey, remember that the key to success lies in creating engaging content that resonates with your listeners and showcases the unique insights of your guests. By mastering the art of the intro call, you’ll set the stage for a podcast that leaves your audience eagerly awaiting each new episode. Now, go forth and make your mark in the world of B2B podcasting!

Podcast Chef is here to help!

We’re a white glove, all inclusive b2b podcasting company. We provide a broad range of services from podcast setup and production, through to guest booking and audience engagement. Our team would love to learn more about your goals and see if a podcast can help! Click here to schedule a free consultation and demonstration of some of the results we’ve been able to achieve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a catchy podcast intro?

Introduce yourself and any co-hosts, give a brief overview of the episode’s content and benefits for listeners, set the tone with music, and mention any sponsors. Keep the script short, pick the right music, have a consistent pattern, include a call to action, and ensure it’s legal.

What should I say at the beginning of a podcast?

Welcome to our podcast! Introduce yourself and any co-hosts, tell the audience what they can expect to hear, mention the episode title and number, and use intro music to set the tone. Let’s get started!

How do I market my B2B podcast?

To market your B2B podcast, create a home on your website and use strategic titles to draw in listeners. Leverage guests and promote your show on industry podcasts, tour for the host, and use SEO and LinkedIn to reach potential listeners. With these tips you can successfully grow your podcast audience.

Is podcasting a good idea for B2B marketing?

Podcasting has quickly become an essential part of the B2B marketing mix, offering a unique and engaging way to reach customers, build thought leadership, and increase brand awareness. It is definitely a good idea for B2B marketing.

How do I find potential guests for my B2B podcast?

Reach out to colleagues, industry peers, and previous podcast guests for recommendations, and look for guests with valuable expertise that can help enrich your podcast’s content. This way, you can find potential guests for your B2B podcast.
