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E131: The Creator Disconnect and how to prevent it.

Reading Time: < 1

As a host, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of your content and business. This episode emphasizes the need to deliver value to your audience and provides insights into creating content that resonates with them. It also emphasizes the significance of engaging in conversations with your prospects and partners to gather valuable feedback and improve your content strategy.

Key Points
• Understand your field enough to ask good questions and have meaningful conversations.
• Deliver content that provides value, keeping in mind the hierarchy of what your audience can comprehend.
• Continuously engage with your audience and seek feedback to track what works and interests them.
• Analyze metrics such as click-through rates and engagement duration to assess the impact of your content.
• Focus on having in-depth conversations with prospects and partners to gain a deeper understanding of their needs.
• Use this understanding to create content that caters to all levels of expertise in your space.
• Pay attention to comments like “I wish I had known this earlier” as an indication to explore podcast topics.

Best Quotes
00:50 – 00:56 • “You have to deliver content of value or else you’re not gonna be able to retain and continue to attract new audience members.”
01:52 – 02:01 • “That deeper understanding will help you create content that delivers value at all levels of your space.”
