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Google Podcasts is shutting down: What will happen to my B2B Podcast?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

In a dynamic shift within the realm of digital audio content, Google Podcasts is ending after six years. This decision stems from Google’s moving into YouTube Music, as the latter garners 23% of weekly podcast users in the United States whereas Google Podcasts garners around 4% of around 103.6 million estimated American listeners.

Seamless Transition: Google Podcasts Users Migrate to YouTube Music

But what does this evolution entail for the dedicated podcast listeners used to Google Podcasts? Google offers more than just a migration; it provides a streamlined transition designed to make the switch effortless. Among these offerings, users can anticipate a “simple migration tool” and the capacity to incorporate podcast RSS feeds into their YouTube Music library. Furthermore, subscribers will have the option to transfer their show subscriptions to a compatible podcast-listening app, ensuring a smooth transition for all.

An RSS feed, which stands for “Really Simple Syndication,” is a technology that allows users to subscribe to and receive updates from websites, blogs, or podcasts. It’s like a constantly updated digital stream of content. In the context of podcasts, an RSS feed is used to distribute episodes to various podcast platforms and directories. When a new episode is published, the RSS feed is updated, and subscribers’ podcast apps or platforms automatically detect the update and download the latest episode. This technology makes it easy for listeners to stay up to date with their favorite podcasts without manually checking for new episodes.

B2B podcast - Seamless Transition: Google Podcasts Users Migrate to YouTube Music

Apple Doesn’t Fall Behind: Apple Podcasts’ Transformation

While Google makes moves, Apple, a key player in the podcasting sphere, is also making waves in the industry. Apple Podcasts, once a basic podcast player, has undergone a significant transformation. It now appears to be evolving into a comprehensive hub for premium non-music audio content. With the recent iOS 17 update, Apple Podcasts unveiled a refreshed version that can integrate third-party subscriptions from various lifestyle and news apps, including Bloomberg, Curio, Sleep Cycle, and others. Subscribers to Apple’s ecosystem can access their original audio content through the Apple Podcasts app. This transformation signals a departure from the conventional podcast player of the past, resembling more closely the all-encompassing approach of platforms like Spotify.

B2B podcast - Apple Doesn’t Fall Behind: Apple Podcasts Transformation

Elevating the Podcast Experience: YouTube Music’s Promising Features

Beyond the logistical bother of migration lies the promise of an enhanced podcasting experience. As Google Podcasts shuts down, YouTube Music’s promises to shine bright. With features such as downloadable episodes, background play, compatibility with smart speakers, and the ability to seamlessly switch between audio and video podcasts, YouTube Music aims to become the ultimate haven for podcast listeners. Additionally, new “YouTube-only” capabilities will soon enrich the podcasting landscape, fostering a sense of community, simplifying discovery, apart from easily transitioning between audio and visual content.

B2B podcast - Elevating the Podcast Experience: YouTube Music's Promising Features

Casting a Wider Net: YouTube’s Algorithm Welcomes New Podcast Enthusiasts

With YouTube Music positioned to become a huge podcasting platform, an intriguing prospect emerges—a chance to introduce podcasts to an entirely new audience. The impressive YouTube recommendation algorithm, known for its ability to serve up tailored content to viewers, could prove to be a game-changer for older audio-only podcasts. Regular YouTube users, accustomed to diving into a world of videos, may now find themselves organically transitioning into the podcasting realm. The algorithm’s ability to understand user preferences and present compelling content could entice those who’ve never ventured or found themselves interested in exploring podcast platforms. This shift not only broadens the horizons for podcast creators but also opens the doors to a vast demographic of potential listeners who might discover the enriching world of podcasts through their familiar YouTube interface.

B2B podcast - Casting a Wider Net: YouTube's Algorithm Welcomes New Podcast Enthusiasts

Strategic Guidance for B2B Podcasters

For B2B podcasts, maintaining a distinct and influential presence in this integrated environment is vital. Redirecting listeners to dedicated websites offers a strategic advantage. By prominently featuring podcasts on these websites, creators ensure that their valuable content remains easily accessible to their target audiences.

Additionally, leveraging the YouTube platform correctly means you will need to work within the YouTube content framework. Standard YouTube best practices for podcasting will likely apply, and now SEO for your podcast is set to become a much bigger focus. It will become a more challenging task to ensure that your content not only reaches the right audience, but also thrives in the integrated podcasting environment through capitalizing on its complex and advanced algorithm.

B2B podcast - Strategic Audience Guidance for B2B Podcasts

Optimizing Your Podcast for Search

SEO will play a pivotal role in making your podcast discoverable in this new landscape. Here’s how to ensure your podcast doesn’t get lost in the crowd:

Craft Compelling Descriptions: Start with a captivating podcast description that uses keywords and phrases your target audience would use when searching for content like yours. Ensure each episode has a well-structured summary, highlighting key topics, main points, guest information, and anecdotes to entice potential listeners.

Visual Appeal: Create eye-catching artwork for your podcast with high-resolution images and complementary colors. Your podcast’s description should include keywords relevant to its theme and subtopics.

Transcriptions and Chapters: Transcribing podcast episodes increases accessibility and provides textual content for search engines to index. Implement podcast chapters to enhance the user experience, allowing listeners to navigate to specific segments of interest.

B2B podcast - Choosing the Right Topics for SEO Success

Guiding Creators Through the Changing Landscape

As the podcasting landscape evolves with the integration of podcasts and music, Podcast Chef is ready to help creators navigate these dynamic shifts. We recognize the importance of creators maintaining their presence and accessibility to audiences.

Leveraging our extensive experience in the podcasting industry, Podcast Chef offers strategic expertise and support tailored to the unique needs of each creator. Stay tuned for updates and valuable resources as we continue to support podcasters on their journey.

Tailored Solutions for Unique Needs

At Podcast Chef, we understand that every creator’s journey is unique. Our commitment is to provide podcasters with the tools and strategies they need to adapt, grow, and continue delivering content to their audiences seamlessly. As the podcasting landscape evolves, Podcast Chef remains dedicated to helping creators thrive and excel in this exciting new era.

Our team would love to learn more about your goals and see if a podcast can help! Click here to schedule a free consultation and demonstration of some of the results we’ve been able to achieve.
